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lunes, 29 de noviembre de 2010

My favourite place

my favorite place is in Spain, specifically in Huelva (Andalucia), that place is called matalascañasis a beach was small and I keep going without tiringbut not one of the best beaches I love, devido a center is very cozyto be a very small town, has a gazebo on top of a mountain from which you can see the lighthouse and the whole beach

is a mysterious place where a giant rock is there and I was a thousand and one stories about herDue to all have a different version.
I usually go many weekends because I have a house there, ten yards from promenadeI usually go in summer because in winter, autumn is very cold, but also asymptomatic and come to goI also spring because it is the time of year when the beach starts to surround tourists and bathersshort: usually go many times throughout the year
I usually go with my parents at first, but I prefer to take my uncle jose manuel and his wife mercedes grants because theyteens better understand and know better treat me like they are the ones who play with mesports, those who bathe me and all because my parents are a roll sun, damn bed ...

bath floor all day until I miss a wrinkled pea, sometimes play with lollipops inalong the beach with my uncle, to see who is better, I always end up winning auque (xD) I go out at night with friendsI relate to there, or just give a return aver if I hit (: P).
Here ends this project called: my favorite place.

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