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domingo, 20 de febrero de 2011

Christian Jimenez Bundo

 He´s got long hair,blue eyes,strong chest,arms and legs,so you say that he has much force,he is 1´80-1´85 tall,not very wide,he quite thin.

His clothing style is hip-hop like me baggy jeans,long chlothing dark T-shirts and apparel brand...He usually likes any raper.For special occasions,likes a dinner or parties,he usually wears a shirt and jeans.For the street he often wears baggy jeans.For the beach and pool he wears shorts.

 He´s going to rap and hip-hop.He often plays basketball and football.His main hobby is rap (writing songs)His second holly is playing at playstation (FIFA).The third sport and the fourth and last I know are the freestyle (Improvisation rap).

He is a nice person who goes from the comments negative,always thinking the same thing.He wants to find a job more money despite his concerts. (He and I are alike)

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